
Use these handouts, activities, and videos with your colleagues or team members to help reinforce key principles of abuse and misconduct prevention and response.
Handouts and Activities
Full Toolkit PDF
This PDF includes all Emotional and Physical Abuse and Misconduct guidance in one document
Definitions of specific U.S. Olympic and Paralympic or SafeSport Code terms referenced in this toolkit.
Reporting Steps
A handout outlining how to report abuse and misconduct, including procedures for mandatory reporting.
Responding to
A reference with suggested language and behavior to use with individuals who may disclose abuse or misconduct to you.
Creating Positive Team Bonding Rituals
A series of question prompts coaches can use with new or returning athletes to set a positive tone and promote bonding.
Resource and Reporting Contacts
A template coaches and parents can complete with their key local contacts to have handy in responding to abuse or misconduct.
Team Climate
A series of questions to help coaches thoughtfully and honestly assess interactions and potential warning signs on their team.
Tips for Creating a Positive Team Environment
A poster outlining 10 suggestions for coaches to help them respectfully, fairly, and consistently guide athletes.
Talking to Athletes About Bystander Intervention
A guide to help coaches and parents talk with young athletes about how to respond to abuse or misbehavior.
Creating Inclusive Sport Environments
A series of suggestions to help your team, club, or facility be inclusive for people of all abilities, races, backgrounds, and identities.
Mandatory Reporting, Bullying and Hazing Resource
Definitions and guidance for addressing and reporting bullying and hazing behavior within the Olympic & Paralympic Movement.
Emotional & Physical Misconduct Investigations & Data Collection
FAQs to assist NGBs with understanding emotional and physical misconduct and comply with the 2023 Response and Resolution Compliance Audit Standards.
Bullying 101
A quick reference guide to understand Bullying Behavior and how to talk with youth athletes after an incident.
For the Olympic & Paralympic Movement
Mandatory Reporting, Bullying and Hazing Resource
Definitions and guidance for addressing and reporting bullying and hazing behavior within the Olympic & Paralympic Movement.
Emotional & Physical Misconduct Investigations & Data Collection
FAQs to assist NGBs with understanding emotional and physical misconduct and comply with the 2023 Response and Resolution Compliance Audit Standards.
Digital Citizenship and Your Child
Animated video for parents about helping youth athletes become inclusive, safe, and respectful digital citizens.
What is Digital Citizenship?
An animated video introducing youth athletes to the importance of creating safe and healthy communities online.
Becoming a Digital Citizen
An animated video that encourages youth athletes to consider their role in keeping their online environments safe and fun.
Digital Citizenship Practices
An animated video with ideas for youth athletes on using digital citizenship to make their sport safer and healthier.
Learn more
This Toolkit is divided into three main sections with introductions to key concepts, strategies for setting a successful tone, and real-life scenarios that bring concepts home.
Proactive ways to promote healthy settings and reduce abuse, showing how power imbalances and prior trauma affect behavior and risk
Five main categories of abuse and misconduct, how they appear in sport settings, and how to know when behaviors cross the line
Ways to react to abuse disclosures, and guidance on topics such as retaliation and requirements for mandatory reporting