Prevent. Recognize. Respond.

Tools to help address emotional and physical abuse and misconduct in sport

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A positive sport experience at a young age can lead to a successful life. But too often, youth athletes are subject to physical and psychological harm. This toolkit will help you prevent, recognize, and respond to emotional and physical abuse and misconduct with tactics you can put into play today. 

Explore These Themes

This Toolkit is divided into three main sections with introductions to key concepts, strategies for setting a successful tone, and real-life scenarios that help coaches, volunteers, and parents build young athletes up rather than tear them down.


Proactive ways to safeguard athletes from potential abuse, showing how power differences and prior trauma can affect behavior and risk


Five main categories of abuse and misconduct, how they appear in sport settings, and how to know when behaviors cross the line


Ways to react to abuse disclosures, and guidance on topics such as Retaliation and requirements for mandatory reporting

Digital Citizenship

What athletes do and say online can have a great impact on their teams. Watch and share these animated videos to encourage youth athletes to be responsible digital citizens.

Why it Matters

Children who participate in sport gain countless physical, social, and emotional benefits. Yet data indicates their sport experience is not universally positive.

“Whether you’re a coach, parent, administrator, or volunteer, your positive actions and examples are game-changers for keeping young athletes safe, supported, and strengthened. Thank you for all you do to put this guide’s principles into action.”

Ju’Riese Colón
CEO, U.S. Center for SafeSport